Those of you who attend any of the many events in the Ballantyne area have surely met, North Carolina Senator Bob Rucho! He is a dynamic, hard-working legislator who champions issues important to most folks in South Charlotte. He is a regular at the Ballantyne Breakfast Club meeting, giving updates on projects such as the widening of I-485 which is a traffic nightmare
during rush hour.
Here is Senator Rucho’s 2011 Year-End Review Newsletter:
January 19, 2012
Raleigh, NC
2011 Year-End Review
Promises made.Promises delivered.
The new leadership of the Legislature found many challenges when we took office in January 2011. We had a $3 billion budget short-fall, 10% unemployment, severe economic recession–made worse by high taxes and excessive government spending.
Actions Accomplished:
HB-200 passed Bipartisan Balanced Budget Reduced spending by over $1 billion and reduced taxes by over $3 billion. Governor vetoedLegislature over-rode.
SB-689, SB-283, H-777 passed fair and legal Redistricting Maps for Congressional, State Senate and House districts. Received US Department of Justice pre-clearance approval. Defending against lawsuits brought by the Democrat Party and the NAACP.
SB-33 passed Medical Malpractice Liability legislation. Helped to make health care affordable and available while reducing the cost of health care by eliminating the need for the practice of defensive medicine. Governor vetoedLegislature over-rode.
HB-709 passed workers Compensation Reform Legislation.
SB-781 passed Regulation reform legislation to make North Carolina businesses more competitive.
HB-2 passed legislation to exempt North Carolina citizens and businesses from the high cost of National Health Care proposed by President Obama (Obamacare). Governor vetoedLegislative over-ride pending.
SB-709 passed Energy Jobs Act legislation to diversify the North Carolina economy by making our state the East Coast Energy Capital, moving our state and country toward energy independence. Governor vetoedLegislative over-ride pending.
HB-351 passed Voter ID legislation to promote and ensure honest and fair elections.
Governor vetoedLegislative over-ride pending.
HB-619 passed Forced Tax Combination legislation to make the tax simple, consistent, and transparent.
SB-532 passed Employment Security reform legislation to reorganize, improve operation efficiency, and set on a pathway to solvency. Governor vetoedLegislature over-rode.
Education Reform Passed Education Reform to re-direct education funding into the classroom, added 1,100 new teachers, eliminated Charter School Cap, and required all third grade students to be reading proficiently before advancing to fourth grade.
As you can see, we had a busy agenda, and we have delivered on what we promised. This is a rare occurrence in todays political world.
These actions are just the beginning of our effort to create a business friendly environment, energize the private sector economy to help create jobs and to make North Carolina an affordable and safe place to live.
In 2013 our plan is to present a comprehensive North Carolina tax modernization proposal which will allow our state to be competitive in a 21st Century global economy. Our goal is to produce a tax system that is transparent, simple, and promotes economic growth and prosperity for all.
Your comments and advice are welcome.
Bob Rucho
Senator Bob Rucho
North Carolina General Assembly
300-A Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-5925
(919) 733-5655
January 19, 2012