Get ready to see Ballantyne and Beyond covered in Pink Bows!

Buy your Pink Bow!

Isn’t it amazing what a group of determined, community-minded women can do to raise money for breast cancer treatment , research and awareness? Can you say $168,000 worth of determination?? That is what the BCC Rally raised in 2010 as the largest contributortoRally for the Cure,for the 3rd year in a row!

25% of the money goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cureand 75% goes to provide medical treatment to women suffering from breast cancer who are uninsured or under-insured…what a wonderful contribution to our community!

Think Pink!

The BCC Rally was started in 2004by agroup of neighbors who had either battled breast cancer or someone they loved had beeen affected by breast cancer. They knew early detection saves lives so they teamed up with Rally for the Cure and began planning.

Their Pink Bow campaign described as “Our Pink Bowsthat appear on mailboxes in our neighborhood and around the cityhave everyone talking! As we get closer to ourannual week of events and the color pink slowly spreads throughout the city, we find our volunteer group gets larger, and the creative juices become even more imaginative. It takes a village to be successful in so many ways. Our village loves the color pink and maintains its focus on increasing friendships, enjoying life together and helping all families battling cancer the best way we can; by working together.

This year pink bows are being offered in different sizes for many uses: tie on yourmailboxes, office cubicles,daughter’s ponytails (hairbows), backpacks, cars and just about anywhere! Please purchase one for yourself and for your friends/family/co-workers who have survived breast cancer in their honor. All you have to do is go to the big pink bow on the BCC Rally website!

Let’s paper your neighborhood or office in pink! Please join the BCC Rally in their love and support by honoring their neighbors and friends fighting breast cancer. Through your efforts you might help save a life and get us one step closer to curing breast cancer…do it!

Check out their new video too!


By | 2011-09-02T22:42:01+00:00 September 2nd, 2011|Ballantyne And Beyond|